
Dark Matter

 What is matter? Well, anything that occupies space, has mass and volume is known as matter. The matter which we know accounts for less than 5% of the known universe. Then what's the rest? The rest 95% which is unknown to us has been named ' Dark matter' and ' Dark energy '. Dark matter comprises 25% and Dark energy comprises 70% of the rest of the universe. Dark matter and dark energy are invisible. And you know what's the worst part? We really don't have any clue about what dark matter and energy are, or how do they work? But, we are pretty sure that they exist. But, we have a bit of information about them. So, let's explore that small piece of information.

Dark matter is the stuff that is responsible for the existence of the universe. Hey, is there any question in your mind well, I have the question arises here that if we could not see dark matter, neither we can detect it nor we can measure, then how can we come to the conclusion of the existence of dark matter? Well, when we made some calculations then it became quite clear that for the normal matter it's not possible to create the whole universe because the gravitational force of normal matter is not enough to hold all the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies to form galaxies. So, we came to the conclusion that something is there which does not emit or reflect light, something dark. But, we are able to see dark matter, yes a kind of. The places having a high concentration of dark matter bend the light passing nearby. So, we know that there's something that interacts with gravity.

Till now the information which we have about dark matter is more about what dark matter is not than what it is.

Dark matter is not:-

a. anti-matter, because anti-matter produces unique gamma rays when it reacts with normal matter

b. just clouds of normal matter without stars because it would emit particles that we could detect.

c. made up of black holes because black holes violently affect it's surrounding whereas dark matter is spread everywhere. And if dark matter was made up of black holes then it was not possible for our universe to exist.

We know three things for sure:-

a. There is something

b. It interacts with gravity.

c. There is a lot of it.

Dark matter is made up of complicated exotic particles that don't interact with light and matter the way we expect. But, right now we just don't know.


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