
Tesla's Death ( Last Breath )

The Last Breath.

 What if I tell you that the air which you have taken in now was the last breath of Sir, Nicola Tesla.
Yes, it was. You might think that I have gone mad but, don't worry just keep reading this article and you will be amazed. And if you want you can tell this thing to your friends to act smart in front of them. 

                     So, recently I saw an advertisement for a book in which it was written that if I purchase the book then they will plant a tree on my name. But, where? So, I clicked on that ad and checked its description. I found that they will plant it in Mumbai. Wait! but, I live in Bihar and they will plant it in Mumbai then, what's my benefit. Will the oxygen produced by the tree reach till me? Okay, at least one molecule can reach right because, when we breathe in we inhale around 2000 billion, billion molecules of oxygen. But, the maximum number of oxygen on earth is produced by phytoplankton. Phytoplanktons are microscopic organisms and cannot be seen with naked eyes and these plants are present on the surface of the oceans.
50% - 80% of oxygen is produced by them and the rest is produced by the trees. The total oxygen produced by the phytoplankton and the trees gets distributed all over the respective hemisphere in two months, and across the whole world within a year. So, it's quite possible that the tree planted in Mumbai will produce oxygen and at least one oxygen molecule will reach till me, and that molecule of oxygen will get into my blood, reach one out of billion cells and energize it. So, without wasting any time I purchased that book, quite amazing, right.

But, hey here is a question that the air which we breathe consists of carbon dioxide, oxygen, argon, nitrogen, and other gases. And out of which, 71% consists of nitrogen. But, our body doesn't react with nitrogen, unlike oxygen that means the amount of nitrogen which we inhale we exhale the same. And do you know how much nitrogen we inhale at once, 9000 billion, billion & we exhale the same amount. That means 200 years ago when my great grandfather was about to die at that moment the nitrogen molecules which he had inhaled and exhaled are still present on this planet. Hence, proved that the last breath of our ancestors is still present in the atmosphere of Earth.
Now, let's talk about your chances to breathe in the last breath of your ancestor. When we inhale we take in around 25000000000000000000000 molecules of air and the chances of any, one molecule being included in this is around 98.2%. Means technically not only 1,2, or 3 we inhale 1000+ molecules that belong to the last breath of our ancestors, And not only ancestors we inhale the last breath of Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Swami Vivekananda e.t.c every single day.

I hope you will get some knowledge from this article, Thank you.
And if you find it interesting please share it so that I can get some encouragement and bring even more interesting ideas for you.

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  1. Hey bro very nice and wonderful article . I am amazed to know this. Good work, as always.
    Thanks for getting this done.
    You are a lifesaver.
    Thank you for pulling everyone/everything together on such short notice.
    I appreciate you getting this to me so quickly so I have time to review it.
    Thanks for your help

  2. Very nice thinking Ashish dev


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