
Tips to Stop Hiccups



Hiccup! Hiccup! Oh man, these hiccups are so irritating. And you know what's the worst part of hiccups when you are stuck in a conversation with someone along with hiccups, so annoying. What causes this irritating bodily function? Well, the culprit of this crime is the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a thin muscle sheet that lies beneath our lungs. It continuously moves upwards and downwards. This continuous movement of the diaphragm is responsible for the inhalation of air into the lungs and exhalation of air from the lungs. Whenever we eat too quickly or we are nervous hiccups may start. In the process of hiccups, the diaphragm's movement becomes irregular and a bit fast due to which we unexpectedly suck in air and the air which we suck in that's sent up back hitting our vocal cord, creating a distinctive sound. So, is there anything we can do besides just waiting for the hiccups to release their grip? Yes, there are a few remedies you can try to stop your hiccups. And to help you out I have mentioned some tips and remedies which you can use to rid of hiccups:-

1. Ice cold Water:-
It is the easiest way to get rid of hiccups. Drink a cold glass of water at once as fast as possible. This will distract your brain from hiccups and ultimately stopping them. You can even suck one or two ice cubes, it will have the same effect. And if you are in a hurry then try mixing a spoonful of honey in the cold water.

2. Hold your Breathe:-
I use this trick whenever I don't want to bring a glass of water for myself because of being busy with playing games. Inhale deeply and hold the breath for as long as possible. And then exhale gradually in a controlled way. Repeat this cycle until your hiccups stop.

3. Sugar:-
 Well, this one I learned from my grandma. It is a kid-friendly trick because they may not be able to hold their breath or drink ice cold water. For this trick, you will need a spoonful of sugar. Hold the sugar in your mouth for about five seconds and allow the sugar to melt without chewing it.

4. Lemon:-
This is the most reliable trick if you are out somewhere. All you need is a lemon. Squeeze the lemon in your mouth and swallow the lemon drops. The sour taste of lemon is enough to distract your brain from hiccups. You can even try mixing the concentrated lemon juice in a glass of water and drink it quickly.

5. Cough or Burp:-
Try to find the pattern of your hiccups, like the time between hiccups. No, you don't need any stopwatch or clock, I know you are smart enough to make assumptions. So, after finding the pattern of you hiccups try to cough or burp when you the next hiccup is about to come. This will cause the diaphragm and the muscles around it to work in a different way which will cause an interruption in hiccups pattern. Repeat this for two to three times and you can easily free yourself from those annoying hiccups.

6. Take a hot bath:-
If the above 5 tips didn't work then you can try this. Heat a good way to relax any muscle including the diaphragm. For this, you can simply take a bath with hot water. Do not try this trick in summers this may cause some difficulties instead you can try bathing with cold water.

7. Warm Milk:-
Drinking warm milk can surely help you out in getting rid of hiccups. Milk contains magnesium, which is known to relax muscle tissue. The warm milk will relax your diaphragm muscles. And also due to its muscle-relaxing properties, warm milk is given to children before sleep.

8. Stick your tongue out:-
Yes, I know that this trick cannot be used in public places but still, it is quite useful. Stick your tongue out as far as possible. This will work a nerve that's connected to your diaphragm. Stimulating this nerve will get your diaphragm's spams under control, stopping your hiccups in their track.

9. Distract Yourself:-
This may not be the quickest fix but, this actually works. The more you think about your hiccups, the more intense they become. So, you can try distracting yourself by doing some other activity. You can any interesting book, play games or watch your favorite T.V show. Remember while doing these activities you should not think about hiccups and believe me you won't notice even when your hiccups will be gone. 

10. Hot Sauce:-
Well, eating a lot of spicy food can cause hiccups. So, you can try eating a few drops of hot(chilly) sauce. The heat will certainly change your breathing pattern and your body will be busy doing some serious temperature control. 

That's all friends. Hope these remedies will help you to get rid of hiccups and if it does then please share this article with others and drop a lovely comment below. And if you want you can subscribe to my blog. 

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